From today, the 1st of September, the EU will start the phase-out process of 100W incandescent bulbs. The journey will continue in 2011 when 60W bulbs will be phased out and in 2012, when it will be the turn of 40W and 25W bulbs.
This is very good news considering that the efficiency of the new generations of bulbs has progressively increased. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) use between 65% and 80% less energy for the same light output compared to incandescent bulbs.
The main concern that has been raised is the presence of small amounts of mercury in the more efficient and promoted CFLs. Now, who really knows how to dispose of mercury? Where did you put your old broken thermometer?
I've done some quick internet research and found out that in the UK for example the lamps should be taken to the closest
Civic Amenity site (Household Waste Recycling Centre). These sites are provided for householders [...] Access is limited and controlled by the relevant Local Government body and if you are a business you should contact their Waste Management Unit to check if it would be possible to use their CA site facility.
As mentioned in one of my previous posts, the disposal of such commonly used items (including batteries) should be easy and convenient, otherwise people will just throw the occasional lightbulb in their general waste.
Some also raised the question of affordability; the new fluorescent bulbs are priced at significantly higher rates, but the increase in efficiency and durability should easily cover the price gap.
Patiently waiting for LEDs (light-emitting diodes) to get cheaper...
Incandescents are *sooo* 2 centuries ago! And fluorescents are crap and toxic. Gogo LEDs! They're perfect! Even at current prices, they're reasonable value. I could kit my apartment out with nothing but LEDs for, oh, £3-400, and that would be me sorted for the next decade! And by then, they'll be much cheaper and even better anyway. :)
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